Screening and matching:
Looking to find the right partner? Using the ALASH database, Algoritmi KZ will help you identifying the right organisations.
First contact facilitation:
Want to meet your possible business partner? Once identified, Algoritmi KZ will help you figure out if there are opportunities between both partners to create sinergies.
Visa assistance:
Algoritmi KZ can advice and assist you in the visa procedure.
Hotel selection:
Want to spend more time in Kazakhstan and plan your meetings? Algoritmi KZ can reccommend hotels of different categories and help you in the booking process (Available in Atyrau).
Meet & Greet:
Tired from your travels, want to go straight to your hotel? An Algoritmi KZ representitive will pick you up at the airport and drive you to your hotel (Available in Atyrau).
Have meetings with potential partners? Algoritmi KZ can make a driver available for your transfers (Available in Atyrau).
Local mobile number:
Want to be always within reach? Algoritmi KZ will supply you with a personal number for the entirety of your stay (Available in Atyrau).
Local fixed number:
Want a fixed number with answering machine? Algoritmi KZ will supply you with a local fixed number with answering machine that filters and records your incoming calls (Available in Atyrau).
Going to a meeting or a conference but the representitives don’t speak English? Algoritmi KZ will supply you with an interpreter who speaks English and Russian to facilitate communications (Available in Atyrau).
Personal Assistant:
Want a person that supports you during your stay? Algoritmi KZ will assign you a personal assistant (always the same one) during your stay (Available in Atyrau).
Desk & Office space:
Need a workspace or a room with internet, printer, etc... Algoritmi KZ will supply you with an office space for your requirements (Available in Atyrau).
Meeting Rooms:
Want to organise a meeting but have the home court advantage? Algoritmi KZ will make available a room for all your meetings (Available in Atyrau).
Meeting Minutes:
Want the minutes of your meetings in both English and Russian, to share with your partner? One of our representitives will be present in the meetings and will draft the documents (Available in Atyrau).
Content Translation:
Want your presentations, your website or your brochures in both english and Russian? Algoritmi KZ will take care of everything: a new layout, translation of contents etc...
Typography services:
Want to print your brochures, business cards, or other material for your business trip in Kazakhstan? Want to come to Atyrau without unnecessary weight in your luggage? Algoritmi KZ can print your materials and deliver it to you upon your arrival (Available in Atyrau).
Legal and financial support:
Thanks to our collaboration with various local partners, all leaders in their respective sectors, and our experience in the Kazakhstan, we can provide Legal Assistance, Insurance Support and Fiscal Support.