Kazakhstan Plans to Bring a Share of Alternative Energy to 30% by 2030

On January 10 2018, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev addressed the people about the task of bringing the share of alternative energy to 30% by 2030. 

In the second point "Further Development of Resource Potential" the head of state notes that the world of the 21st century continues to need natural resources which will take in the future special place in development of global economy and economy of Kazakhstan. However, it is necessary to rethink critically the organization of the raw industries, approaches to management of natural resources. It is necessary to introduce complex information and technological platforms actively. 

"It is important to raise requirements to energy efficiency and energy saving of the enterprises and also environmental friendliness and overall performance of producers of energy. The EXPO 2017 exhibition which has taken place in Astana has shown the progress in the sphere of alternative, "true" energy moves promptly," is said in the Address. 

Now a quarter of world production of the electric power is the share of renewable. According to forecasts, by 2050 this indicator will reach 80%. 

"We have set the task to bring a share of alternative energy in Kazakhstan to 30% by 2030. Today we have 55 objects of RES with a general power of 336 MW which in 2017 have developed about 1,1 billion kWh of "green" energy already work," the President of Kazakhstan said. 

According to him, it is important to stimulate business, to invest in "green" technologies. 

"Governors of regions need to take measures for modern utilization and processing firmly - household waste with broad involvement of subjects of small and medium business. These and other measures will demand updating of the legislation, including the Ecological code," Nazarbayev charged to officials. 

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